Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The #1 Ally To Your Healthy Living Schedule? A Perfected Morning Routine

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Healthy living is a habit. We tend to look at how to “live healthily” and think of the big blowout moments – losing that final pound, benching a record weight, or recovering from an injury. All of these are certainly powerful moments on your health and well-being journey, but the truth is that healthy living isn’t about any one achievement. It’s about many little habits done well. After all, you have to build a wall brick by brick.

As such, implementing as many opportunities to lay those bricks as well as you can is usually a good thing. For example, if you have a healthy, well-measured sleeping schedule, then waking up in the morning full of energy and ready to make good decisions becomes so much more possible. And so it is that one brick allows you to lay the next with confidence.

One of the best ways to achieve this mindset and habit cycle? The power of a fantastic morning routine. By the end of this post, we hope you’ll know just how much this really can affect everything in your life. Let’s consider how to begin:

Wake Up Early

Ultimately, waking up at the appropriate time for you is the best way to begin. If you work a night shift, this will of course differ from the norm. But if you can, wake up early. Having at least thirty minutes you can relax before your shift, perhaps to perform some yoga, to eat a healthy breakfast, to read a little, and to shake off the cobwebs of a long night of sleep can be a great idea.

At the very least, it will stop you from rushing to work or feeling panicked as soon as you wake up. At best, it will help you feel centered and composed. Consistency is kept here. Waking up at the same time as much as you can, and limiting staying up too long (especially as we get older) can have a big impact on your overall motivation and comfort over the years.

Hydrate First Thing

A good glass of clean water is the best way to start your day. It hydrates you, helps you feel clearer, and allows you to avoid resting on the immediate coffee intake. In fact, it’s recommended that you keep your coffee intake delayed by at least ninety minutes if you do drink it, because that way you’re less likely to experience a caffeine crash.

This means you can spend more time selecting a good coffee instead of a quick fix. For example, a coffee of the month subscription can be a great place to start. Keep in mind that if you place this in a Thermos or similar heat-retaining flask, you can save money on Starbucks and other convenient coffees in the meantime.

Eat A Nutritious Breakfast

Not everyone is super hungry in the morning. Some may even find the idea of eating to be nauseating before they do so because their stomach hasn’t settled yet. But no matter when you eat it, it’s important to make sure your first meal of the day is a healthy one.

If you can, try to get a good balance of protein, carbs, and healthy fat. For example, avocado eggs on wholemeal toast can be a great breakfast. A fiber-based bran cereal can also be helpful. You get to decide, but make sure you have a good hit of calories and nutrition in the morning, with appropriate supplementation on top of that. It will fuel your morning energy and brain power and actually contributes to a healthier weight than skipping breakfast would. Depending on your caloric needs, 400-500 calories is a good place to start.

Incorporate Morning Exercise

If you have time for it, morning exercise can brighten your entire day. We tend to carry around a great deal of residual stress from daily life, and having a space to work all of that out can be fantastic. Not only does it help you feel your best, but it can help your focus, your sense of clarity, and calmness.

If you’re nervous for an upcoming work meeting you have to host, suddenly that feels much less concerning after you’ve been for a morning run. This is because you’ve already dealt with a physical challenge, so feeling confident and flexible in the work meeting somehow feels less of an issue than it did before

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Title: The #1 Ally To Your Healthy Living Schedule? A Perfected Morning Routine
Sourced From:
Published Date: Thu, 04 Jul 2024 11:15:52 +0000

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