Saturday, December 23, 2023

Make Your Wedding Exciting for the Bride and the Groom...

Weddings Should Be Fun For All -

That time of year is fast approaching when suddenly it will feel like the whole world has gone wedding crazy, as social media explodes with pictures of freshly engaged couples and the world looks on as they plan their dream wedding with much anticipation.

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The world of wedding planning has grown exponentially over the past few years with the arrival of services such as Pinterest and the entire wedding blog industry, which dedicates so much space to advising brides on everything from the wedding dress, to the rings, to the wedding invitations, down to the tiny details on the reception tables. But is all of this fun for women? Surely not! After all, it takes two to set the wheels for a wedding in motion. While so much of the wedding industry is designed around grabbing the attention of the bride and is in competition for her wedding dollar, there are many areas of the wedding planning and preparation which require thoughtful and committed decisions from the groom. Marriage only works with great communication and strong partnership, and planning a wedding together is an ideal training ground for making sure the relationship has what it needs to go the distance.

There’s so much to be done for a wedding and so many choices to be made… let’s take a look at them!

The Dress

wedding dress bride

Ok, men, we’ll be honest. While your suits are classy and there’s definitely some pressure on you to look great for the big day, nothing comes close when it comes to the importance of picking the right wedding dress. For some women, this is a shopping excursion they may have been dreaming about since they were a little girl, and they might already have a clear idea of exactly the kind of look and style they’re aiming for. For others, shopping for a wedding dress is a daunting process. There’s a huge range of styles to choose from, taking into account shape, cut, colors, fabric, and silhouette. A great way to begin is by taking a look online at the current wedding dress trends and saving pictures that stand out to you as dresses you’d like to try on. This will help you to begin to narrow down the styles that immediately catch your eye and the kinds of dresses you’d never wear down the aisle in a million years. Once you’ve spent some time researching like this, it’s time to begin shopping.

Book an appointment with the wedding dress specialists in your area (the boutique stores require appointments so you have enough time and space to examine their dresses without being too crowded). By booking an appointment early in the morning, it’s likely to be less crowded, and the bridal store staff will be fresh and energetic when it comes to helping you try on their range. Bridal store consultants often have years of experience in this area and can listen to your initial feedback as to the kinds of dresses you’d like to explore shape, color and style wise, while guiding you away from dresses which won’t be the most flattering for your body type (which is definitely a consideration most women are making when it comes to what they’ll wear on their wedding day!).

Wedding dresses

Before you get too excited by the colors and materials available for you to choose from, focus on the silhouette. Although details are important, the difference between a wedding dress that looks good on you and a wedding dress that’s going to look breathtaking is your choice of the silhouette. This is also where it’s important to ignore the latest trends, and instead, focus on what’s most flattering for you.

bride wedding dress
The next area of importance is the top of your wedding dress. Many women get overwhelmed with excitement at the thought of a delicate, trailing hem, but it’s the top of your dress which will be both most noticeable and also will turn up in the majority of your wedding photos. The irony of wedding dress shopping is the fresh looks and styles which are released every season when in fact, shopping for a wedding dress should have a goal of timelessness in mind. Just take a flip through your parents’ wedding album to see that ‘trendy’ wedding dresses do not stand the test of time. Instead of wearing the latest look to hit glossy magazine pages, focus on finding a dress that makes you feel elegant, sexy, and glamorous.  Mix it up with

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By: Gentleman Joe
Title: Make Your Wedding Exciting for the Bride and the Groom...
Sourced From:
Published Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2017 03:12:00 +0000

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